According to notifications issued by the Department of Justice, justices Maralur Indrakumar Arun, Engalaguppe Seetharamaiah Indiresh, Ravi Venkappa Hosmani, Savanur Vishwajith Shetty, Shivashankar Amarannavar, Makkimane Ganeshaiah Uma, Vedavyasachar Srishananda, Hanchate Sanjeevkumar, Padmaraj Nemachandra Desai and Panjigadde Krishna Bhat, additional judges of the Karnataka High Court, have been made judges of the same high court with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices.
Another notification said justices Mudalikulam Raman Anitha and Karunakaran Nair Haripal, additional judges of the Kerala High Court, to be judges of the high court with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices.
As on September 1, the sanctioned strength of the Karnataka High Court is 62, but is functioning with 45 judges.
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