The boy, Sachin displayed sound presence of mind while saving his cousin, Ganesh Patil who sustained head injuries and got both his hands fractured in the incident.
The incident took place earlier this week when Sachin, Ganesh and two more of their friends were plucking fruits from trees in the forested area. It was at this time that three bears, including two cubs, emerged from between the trees and the children ran for their lives. However Ganesh is said to have tripped and fallen while trying to escape and came under the bear attack.
Sachin heard his screams and saw that Ganesh was in danger. Luckily he found a log of wood nearby and assaulted the cubs on their face with the log, thus forcing them to retreat. The other bear however continued to assault Ganesh but Sachin put up a brave front and assaulted the bear on its nose and face with the log several times till it ran into the forest.
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