The accused is identified Ramesh R(39), a resident of JJ Nagar on Mysuru Road and the victim is Aravind a maintenance staff at Veeresh Theatre for the past 11 years.
It is gathered that on December 17 Ramesh had come to Veeresh Theatre under the influence of alcohol and demanded Aravind to arrange few tickets of KGF so that he could sell them for a higher price on the release date. When Aravind did not agree to the proposal, Ramesh started abusing him verbally and drew a knife out of his pocket and cut Aravind’s left ring finger.
Meanwhile, other staff at the theatre, who heard screams, rushed to the spot and immediately took Aravind to a nearby hospital.
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However, Ramesh during his interrogation said that Aravind and he were old friends and they had a financial dispute. He denied demanding movie tickets from Aravind in the said statement.