Earlier on Wednesday, Gowda had said the government’s decision to waive off customs duty on Remdesivir, used in the treatment of Covid-19, would help in augmenting the supply of the medicine in the wake of soaring coronavirus cases in the country.
“Reviewed situation of availability of #Remdesivir in State of Karnataka upon request of State Govt. It has been decided that an additional allocation of 25000 vials will be made over an above allocation made for Karnataka upto April 30, 2021,” Gowda tweeted.
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Gowda also urged the doctors to prescribe alternative medicines to ease pressure on the demand for the critical drug.
“Remdesivir is only an investigational drug and other alternatives for treatment of #COVID in emergency cases are also available in the market. Doctors are requested to prescribe alternatives to ease pressure on demand for #Remdesivir,” Gowda tweeted.