Umar Khan’s body was found near railway tracks in Ramgarh on November 11, with his family members and activists claiming that he was shot dead by cow vigilantes when he was ferrying cattle in a vehicle the day before. The incident, which came months after the lynching of dairy farmer Pehlu Khan by suspected cow vigilantes in Alwar, has triggered an outrage.
“The incident took place at night and the police are acting on the case. One person has been detained,” Kataria said and expressed hope that the case would be cracked soon. He said strict action would be taken against the culprits irrespective of their religion.
“We don’t have so much manpower to enable us to control every situation at all places, even before an incident is reported (hamare pass itni manpower nahin hai, ki har jagah, har sthiti ko samay se pehle control kar saken),” he said.
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Umar Khan’s family members have demanded immediate arrest of the accused and compensation.