District Magistrate Anuj Kumar Jha said the Uttar Pradesh government has notified the Epidemic Act and the district administration is being empowered to take all steps to stop coronavirus.
“All orders are being issued according to the act and violation of the act will be punishable,” said.
Jha said that the administration has printed 50,000 posters highlighting precautions against coronavirus and these are being posted at public places.
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Chief Medical Officer of Ayodhya Ghanshyam Singh had advised that the Ram Navami mela be canceled to save the public from coronavirus.
Dr. Vikasendu Agrawal, nodal officer of coronavirus, said mass gatherings are impossible and risky once the Epidemic Act is invoked.
“We have closed down shopping malls, cinema halls, swimming pools, gyms and schools in the state. It is very difficult to ensure that devotees wear masks or maintain a distance of 1.5 m from each other. It’s an impossible proposition,” he said, adding he will talk to senior state government officials.
“We will review the situation on March 22 and if the situation remains the same then I would suggest the government to avoid the gathering,” he added.
Reacting to these suggestions, Ayodhya MLA Ved Gupta said, “We can’t stop the devotees. They would be advised to wear masks and maintain a distance while conducting rituals.”
According to sources, the functionaries engaged with organizing the mela feel it is impossible to screen lakhs of devotees.