The accused has been identified as Manjunath Nagaraj Bhovi (50), a resident of Kashekodi in Baltila village. He was arrested based on an investigation into a theft complaint filed by Farm owner Ivan Thoras at the Bantwal Town police station.
The theft came to light on December 29. The complainant said that about 120 kg of areca nut crop left to dry in the front yard of the farmhouse had been stolen.
Police swung into action and managed to arrest Bhovi on December 30. As much as 105 kg of stolen betel nut, a scooter used in the crime, and cash were seized, police added.
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According to the police, Bhovi has a criminal record. He was also involved in several thefts in Konaje, Ullala Police Station, Ankola, Karwar, and Honnavar police stations of Uttara Kannada district.