Maneka on Thursday went by 7-Star, the charged illegal slaughter house and ice storage at Auto Nagar in Belagavi. She communicated her anger over Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Assembly Jagadish Shettar and other chosen delegates not being permitted to investigate the unit by the City Police and, them not following up on prior complaints about illegal slaughterhouses in the city.
Maneka also added that cow butcher and utilizing ladies as reinforced workers were deplorable crimes. Bangladeshi workers, including ladies, are working in the unit and they should be deported to their nation. The way in which the police is working additionally raises doubt, she included. Maneka said that Belagavi Police Commissioner D C Rajappa had misbehaved with her while conversing with her over telephone.
Jagadish Shettar and Dharwad MP Pralhad Joshi were also present with her during the inspections of the illegal slaughterhouses.