Over 13.20 lakh tests had been conducted here till September 19 and then the number of tests were increased to 22.90 lakh, a rise of 9.70 lakh tests, an official press release said.
He said the average testing rate of other big cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Delhi was 49 percent. Stating that the mortality rate can be reduced if tests are conducted at early stages and treatment given soon, Sudhakar said the current mortality rate in Karnataka is 1.37 percent and the target is to reduce it to below 1 percent. The mortality rate in Bengaluru is 1.14 percent, he said.
The Minister further said the rise in the number of cases is due to the increase in testing. A total of over 67,46,358 samples have been tested so far in the state, out of which 78,581 were tested on Monday alone.
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Bengaluru urban district tops the list of positive cases with a total of 3,10,021 infections followed by Mysuru 45,193 and Ballari 35,888. Sudhakar said several complaints of middlemen blocking beds in private hospitals and trying to exploit people have been received.
The Minister said stringent action would be taken against such miscreants. Also, he urged people to provide correct information while undergoing testing and said by providing wrong information people are not deceiving the government but themselves.
The Minister also requested cooperation from the people to control the spread of COVID-19 during Dasara.
“We have received complaints regarding an increase in crowds in Mysuru during Dasara to watch the lighting arrangements. The Chief Minister has asked me to monitor the situation for two days and take stricter measures in consultation with the district in-charge Minister and officials,” he said.
To a question on the spread of COVID during winter, the Minister said, “From this month to January… when it will cold and moist, the virus will increase.” Niti Aayog member V K Paul on Sunday had said the possibility of a second wave of infections in the winter season cannot be not ruled out.