Bengaluru: KR Puram police registered an FIR against the makers of the controversial OTT series ‘Tandav’ for “hurting religious sentiments of Hindus”.
Acting on the complaint filed by Kiran Aradya, a social activist the police on Friday filed a case against director Ali Abbas Zafar, producer Farhan Akthar, actors Mohammed Zeeshan and Saif Ali Khan as well as creative head of Amazon Prime, Aparna Purohit.
The complainant has alleged that the series shows Hindu deity in poor light as the actor portraying the role is using abusive words and that this was done intentionally to insult and hurt Hindu sentiments.
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A police officer informed that they will seek the opinion of legal experts before taking action.
Meanwhile, the makers of Tandav have already removed the controversial scenes as complaints were lodged against them across the country.