Filmmaker Karan Johar, who directed Sharma in his last directorial “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”, tweeted, “Huge congratulations and tons of love to @AnushkaSharma and @imVkohli ….beautiful couple and I wish them and their loved ones the best years ahead…”
Actor Abhishek Bachchan took to Twitter and said, “Many congratulations to @AnushkaSharma and @imVkohli on their wedding. God bless and welcome to the club!” Actor Sridevi tweeted, “Congratulations, may this partnership last forever… God Bless @anushkasharma @viratkohli #VirushkaWEDDING”
“Fukrey” star Richa Chadha said, “Congrats guys. Wish you marital bliss, peace and may you continue to smash goals in the face, like @imVkohli smashes tidy 6s. Love.”
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The celebrity couple, who had been dating for four years, were tight-lipped about their wedding plans despite the hype in the media. In October, a newspaper reported that an Italian wedding may be on the cards for the couple. The rumours intensified after Kohli was rested for the ODI series against Sri Lanka. Sharma and Kohli, both 29, first met on the sets of a commercial.