In a bizarre incident, a husband and wife in Canada were fined $1500 each after the woman was found ‘walking’ the man on a leash.
The incident occurred in Canada’s Quebec on Saturday night when the woman was caught walking her husband on a leash like a dog at 9 pm, an hour after coronavirus curfew was imposed.
The 8 pm curfew was imposed by Quebec premier Francois Legault, premier of Quebec in Canada, to contain rising cases of COVID-19. On January 9, a woman and her husband were found breaking the curfew.
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When cops pointed out that her husband was not a dog, the woman reportedly protested.
Both husband and wife fined $1500 (1,09,934 INR) each, even though the woman has reportedly refused to pay the fine.
Quebec is wrestling with more than 2,500 COVID-19 cases a day, a surge that threatens to increase hospitalizations beyond their spring peak in the next few weeks.
The province imposed a curfew starting Saturday and extended an existing lockdown through Feb 8 to curb the spread of the coronavirus, as it worked to speed up a vaccination campaign to counter soaring cases of COVID-19.
The new curfew runs from 8 pm to 5 am, even as non-essential businesses remain shut and home gatherings prohibited as part of a “shock treatment” to save lives and the province’s health network, Premier Legault said last Wednesday. Schools will remain open, he said.
The new restrictions come as Canada faces a widespread second wave of the virus and concerns over the pace of vaccination efforts to protect citizens from the illness and combat its spread. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last Tuesday promised that Ottawa would help speed the pace of inoculations.