Both, Bhansali and Deepika have received death threats for being a part of the film. Asked if he would feel scared in the future to take up another period film, Shahid told reporters, “‘Udta Punjab’ was not a period film, there was so much controversy around it. I don’t think scared is the right word. I don’t think creative people should be scared, because you can’t create if you are constricted. You can’t create unless you feel liberated and open, and I think art is a reflection of society at large.”
“It is important to express yourself with a certain sense of freedom, specially in a democracy. Everybody is concerned, the whole fraternity has expressed a lot of concern because there is enough that you deal with when your film is coming out, there are issues like piracy and there are a lot of other issues, larger issues that one is dealing with,” he added.
Various Rajput groups and political leaders have accused Bhansali of distorting history by filming a romantic dream sequence between Rajput queen Padmini and Sultan Alauddin Khilji, a claim repeatedly denied by the filmmaker.
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“… I don’t think you can make a film like Padmavati, unless you give a part of your heart and soul to the film,” he added. “Padmavati” was earlier scheduled to release on December 1. The makers deferred the release till they receive a certificate from the CBFC. When asked about the release date, Shahid said he does not know it yet but insisted a lot is on stake.
“When a film releases, it is a very vulnerable product, we don’t like to hold on to a ready film for too long because piracy can happen, something can get leaked, and you’re really trying to keep that together. So of course everybody is very concerned about it, and so am I.” He was speaking at Reebok’s Fit to fight awards, last night.