The man, Srikesh Kumar, an electrician had been brought to the hospital after he met with an accident on Thursday night. The doctor on duty had declared him dead since there was no heartbeat and his body was kept in a freezer at the mortuary pending a post-mortem examination.
Nearly seven hours later, when a ‘panchnama’ or document, signed by family members after identifying the body and agreeing to an autopsy – was to be filed by the police, Kumar’s sister-in-law Madhu Bala noticed that he was showing signs of movement.
In a video that went viral on social media, Bala can be heard saying: “He’s not at all dead. …He is breathing.”
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Singh said it was one of those “rarest of rare cases… We can’t call it negligence till all the reports are available”.
Meanwhile, Srikesh is undergoing treatment at a health centre in Meerut and is reportedly out of danger. His sister-in-law stated that the family would file a complaint against the Moradabad district hospital’s doctors for negligence as they almost killed Srikesh by putting him in a freezer.