Addressing the press persons Ashoka said, “Deputy Chief Minister Shivakumar himself has hinted that Siddaramaiah is an outgoing CM. Additionally, MLA Nagendra has already resigned in connection with the Valmiki Development Corporation scam. The Chief Minister is also expected to receive a notice regarding the same scam.”
Ashoka further asserted that the BJP would not spare anyone, even for the smallest act of corruption.
The minister criticized the state government, calling it bankrupt and citing price hikes in milk, alcohol, fuel cess, and transport. He accused the government of pushing Karnataka into decline.
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Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, Chaluvadi Narayanaswamy, demanded the resignation of Minister Priyank Kharge and urged a CBI probe into BJP leaders’ alleged assassination plot by Maharashtra-based individuals.
Reacting to Priyank Kharge’s supporters arranging cold drinks for BJP protestors, he said “We are not seeking alliances by asking for brides at Minister Priyank Kharge’s house. We are here to demand justice for the death of a poor contractor.”
Leaders C.T. Ravi and others were present.