
Agumbe Ghat: No vehicle ban amid rainy season raises alarm

11:47 AM Jun 06, 2024 | Team Udayavani |

Hebri: As the rainy season commences, the Agumbe Ghat, a crucial route connecting the coast to the highlands, typically sees a ban on the movement of heavy vehicles to prevent accidents and road damage. However, this year, the district administration has yet to enforce such a ban, causing concern among daily travelers.


The lack of a proper drainage system on both sides of the ghat results in rainwater flowing directly onto the road. The passage of heavy vehicles exacerbates the risk of road collapse, particularly at the turns and near the barrier. The ghat straddles the Shimoga and Udupi districts and has previously experienced collapses due to heavy traffic during the rainy season, leading to prolonged road closures.

Social activist Harish Shetty Nadpal criticized the district administrations for their negligence in not banning heavy vehicles, emphasizing the danger it poses.

A recent pictorial report by Udayavani highlighted a crack in the barrier wall near the sunset viewing point at the 14th turn of Shimoga district and the beginning of the ghat. The report warned of a potential collapse if heavy vehicles continue to use the route. In response, the department has undertaken temporary repairs using concrete near the barrier and fixed areas damaged by vehicular collisions.


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