The accused, Sikandar Choudhary (44), a high school teacher from Indi taluk, Vijayapura district, was arrested along with his accomplice, Dilip. Police seized Rs. 25 lakh in cash, mobile phones, and several documents from the accused.
According to the police, Sikandar, with the help of his accomplice Dilip, targeted aspirants of various competitive exams, including PDO, PSI, and KAS. He allegedly convinced them that he could secure high marks and ensure their success in these exams. Recently, he contacted a candidate in Bengaluru, demanded money, and arranged a meeting. The candidate agreed and Sikandar traveled to Bengaluru two days ago, staying at a lodge on Y. Ramachandra Road in Gandhinagar, where he received the money.
However, the candidate grew suspicious and informed the police. Acting swiftly, the police conducted a raid and arrested Sikandar along with the cash. A case has been registered at Upparpet police station.
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