Rohit Kapoor and Rinku alias Sagar, both implicated in over 80 criminal cases of armed robbery and vehicle theft, were arrested on December 29 following a brief exchange of fire at Madipur in west Delhi, police said.
Their interrogation led to the arrest of Rahul Kumar (34) and Sumit Chauhan (35), who allegedly supplied weapons to them, they said.
Police have recovered four firearms, eight live cartridges, one knife, and four stolen vehicles from the possession of the accused, officials said, adding that the entire operation helped solve 16 cases of armed robbery and vehicle theft.
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Acting on the disclosures made by the accused, police arrested Rahul and Sumit on Monday, the officer said.
“Rahul was previously involved in six criminal cases. He used to be a cab driver before taking to crime to fund his luxurious lifestyle. He supplied weapons to Rohit and Rinku. Sumit, who also supplied weapons, was introduced to the gang by a mutual contact. He has no previous criminal record,” the DCP said.