In an extraordinary demonstration of compassion and humanity, Eshwara’s sister, after being informed of his critical condition, volunteered to donate his organs. Following counselling by Akshatha Shetty, transplant coordinator, and the medical team including neurosurgeons. Eshwara’s sister agreed to donate his bones for transplantation. The counselling process was thorough, with the team ensuring that the family understood the benefits of donation and the impact it could have on the recipients. Since this was a medico-legal case, the necessary permissions were obtained from the police and Eshwara’s next of kin before proceeding with the donation.
Under the leadership of Dr Vikram Shetty, Professor and head of the department of orthopaedics, and founding medical director of the Prof M Shantharam Shetty Tissue Bank, the surgical team at Justice K S Hegde Hospital carried out the bone extraction in sterile conditions in the operating theatre. Dr Shetty was assisted by Dr Varun Shetty, medical director of the Prof M Shantharam Shetty Tissue Bank, and Dr Shridish Nambiar including the tissue bank team. The bones were extracted and preserved, with plastic bone substitutes inserted in place of the cadaveric bones.
Dr Varun Shetty explained that this donation could potentially save the limbs of six children affected by cancer in the future, emphasizing the profound impact that such donations can have on the lives of recipients. The bones will be used for limb-saving surgeries, offering new hope for young cancer patients who otherwise might have had to endure amputations.
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Medical superintendent Dr Sumalatha Shetty expressed her gratitude for the support and cooperation of the family, as well as the dedication of the medical team in making this significant donation possible. Dr. Shetty further emphasized that the act of donation to the Prof M Shantharam Shetty Tissue Bank not only helps save lives but also aids in enhancing the quality of life for recipients of the donated tissues.