The incident took place at Sarwaha village under Charhi police station limits when Sundar Karmali (27) entered a well to retrieve his bike which he had thrown after a domestic dispute with his wife, Rupa Devi, the official added.
“In a fit of anger, Karmali first threw his motorcycle into the well. Later, he climbed down the well to retrieve his vehicle but did not return. Upon hearing Rupa’s screams for help, four others attempted to rescue him, one after another, but all of them died inside the well,” BN Prasad, the sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) of Bishnugarh, told PTI.
The four were identified as Rahul Karmali, Vinay Karmali, Pankaj Karmali and Suraj Bhuiyan (all in 25/28 years age), the official added.
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The well has been covered and movement has been restricted near it, the officer added.
Gautam Kumar, the officer-in-charge of Charhi police station, suspected that the deaths were caused by poisonous gas that the victims might have inhaled.
“The exact cause of the deaths was being investigated,” he said.