
Heavy rain in Sullia, Subrahmanya: Vehicle stranded in flood waters

09:09 AM Jun 01, 2024 | Team Udayavani |

Sullia: Heavy rains caused flash floods in the Subramanya and Kollamogru areas, leading to a pickup vehicle getting stranded in the floodwaters On Thursday afternoon. The incident occurred in Panne of Kollamogru village.


Mahesh was returning from Kotnadka after loading coconuts from Ramakrishna’s house in his pickup. While crossing the river, sudden floodwaters stranded the vehicle midstream. Reports indicate that hundreds of coconuts in the pickup were lost to the flood.

People used ropes to pull the vehicle out of the river, preventing it from being swept away.

Buildings in Danger:

In Subramanya, Thursday evening’s heavy rains caused soil erosion near the Yenekallu bus stop area. This has put several buildings at risk, according to locals.


Near the government high school gate, rising water levels in a small stream cut off road access.


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