The deputy CM visited temples in Kumbakonam and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu on Thursday, which prompted Union Minister Kumaraswamy to allege that the ‘homa’ was held to “destroy his enemies.” “I am someone who offers puja daily and conducts ‘homa’ regularly. I had this ‘homa’ performed for my peace of mind and protection,” Shivakumar said.
Speaking to reporters after offering prayers at a temple on the occasion of Vaikunta Ekadasi, he said, “I pray to God every day for good tidings. I also pray to God to protect me from those who wish me ill. There is nothing secretive about it.” Taking a dig at the reporters, Shivakumar added, “You (media) also keep giving me quite a bit of trouble and create newer and newer news. I also prayed for protection from the media.”