Sowmya, a resident of Bailoor, in her complaint at the Karkala Town Police station said that she had met Sunil T from Kasargod through Facebook about four and a half years ago. They tied the knot later at a temple in Karkala.
After a year of getting married, Sunil allegedly started harassing Sowmya for money and allegedly subjected her to mental and physical torture. He made a demand for dowry, after which, Sowmya said, she had pawned her jewellery for Rs 80,000 to pay him.
The complainant said Sunil abandoned her at her parents’ house. He even threatened her not to call him again. Upset over this, she said, she had tried to end her life. When her brothers informed Sunil about this, he had allegedly told them that it was better if she was dead. A complaint had been raised about this and later a compromise was reached.
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