His statement came a day after BJP leader and former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said the illegal stay of Bangladeshi nationals in Bengaluru poses a threat to both the state and the nation.
Parameshwara said the police will identify those who come to Karnataka from Bangladesh.
“If they don’t have valid documents like passport, visa, they will be arrested immediately and sent to detention centres; after that, we will inform Bangladesh High commission or Ambassador, about the arrest of their nationals and seek their permission to deport them,” Parameshwara told reporters here in response to a question.
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“During his tenure as Commissioner it was not possible for him to do it, we are doing it now,” Parameshwara said.
“We are tightening the law and order situation in the state, whoever it is, will not allow them to go against the law,” he said.
Parameshwara also said that police crack down on Bangladeshi nationals illegally staying in the State has been taking place on a regular basis.