The capture follows an incident that took place on March 8 when a leopard attempted to attack a pet dog owned by Maladi Arebailu Satish Devadiga. In response, the department promptly placed a cage in the area and managed to capture the feline.
On this occasion Zonal Forest Officer Kiran Babu, Deputy Zonal Forest Officer Udaya, former President of Thekkatte Gram Panchayat Malady Sihvaram Shetty, Gram Panchayat President Mamata Devadiga, Gram Panchayat member Suresh Shetty Maladi, Suresh Devadiga, Maladi Arebelu Satish Devadiga, and others were present.
Leopards have been caught and rescued from the same location, with the previous captures taking place on August 4, 2018, October 6, 2019, December 12, 2019, December 24, 2019, April 28, 2022, and October 2, 2022.
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