Produced under the banner of U N Cinemas the film’s script combines suspense, comedy, and horror. The movie has been produced by Nithyananda Nayak Narasinghe and Umesh Prabhu Manibettu while Prajwal Suvarna and Arun Rai Puttur have done the photography.
The film’s cast includes Tulunada Manikya Arvind Bolar, Umesh Mijar, Pravin Markame, Mimicry Sharan, hero Godwin Sparkle, heroine Laksha Shetty, Roopashree Varkady, Manohar Shetty Nandalike, Vasanth Munial, Harish Galipata, Sunil Kadthala, Yathish Poojary, Yashwanth, Pravin Acharya, comedy Kiladi fame Radhesh, comedy gang fame Rajesh Danashale, Lanchulal, Rajeshwari Kulal, Diraj, Shivananda, and Yajnesh Shetty.
“Those who live by deceiving people filled with the greed for wealth become hostage at a deserted house. What is the secret of the house? What had happened in the house earlier? Will justice prevail? Will truth win? Is there victory for truth?, Director Ellare said about the film’s script.
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