Speaking to reporters in the city on Saturday on the issue of the state government granting permission for the confiscation of Janardhana Reddy’s properties, Somashekhara Reddy said that Janardhana Reddy acted impatiently. “Had there been some patience, Janardhana Reddy wouldn’t be in such a bleak situation. There was no need to form a new party. Janardhana Reddy is in a hurry. He isn’t listening to anyone,” he said expressing his displeasure.
Further, he said that he and Minister B Sriramulu were working to convince Janardhana Reddy to change his stance. “What would you say to someone who is not ready to listen to anyone?” he asked.
Be it Janardhana Reddy’s wife or Janardhana Reddy himself contests from Ballari City constituency, “I will contest on BJP ticket,” he added.