Speaking at the Mogaveera Samavesha, a grand convention held by the Mogaveera Sangha at Suvarna Patha, Palace Grounds, on Sunday, Siddaramaiah stated that caste-based discrimination had hindered social and economic progress for many communities. He highlighted the historical caste hierarchy, where the first three castes (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas) had access to education, while Shudras were deprived, resulting in their backwardness. He emphasized the importance of education for breaking such barriers.
Siddaramaiah also reiterated his commitment to recommending the inclusion of the Mogaveera community in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category, despite the central government’s earlier rejection.
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The event also featured cultural programs, award ceremonies, and the release of a commemorative journal. CM Siddaramaiah presented the Madhava Mangala Award to Dr. G. G. Shankar.