The demand for an NIA unit in Mangaluru has been a long-standing issue. MP Chowta prioritized this need immediately after assuming office, citing the presence of extremist sleeper cells in the region linked to groups like SDPI and PFI. Highlighting past challenges, including the communal unrest during CAA protests, Chowta urged that setting up an NIA unit would strengthen coastal security and combat terrorism.
Proposal for Sainik School and Military Base
Chowta also proposed establishing a Sainik School and a military base in Mangaluru to nurture discipline, patriotism, and leadership qualities among students while enhancing national defense infrastructure along the coastal belt. He stated that these initiatives would provide career opportunities for youth and bolster the region’s security.
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As Mangaluru is known as the cradle of banking, Chowta urged the Home Minister, who also holds the Cooperation Ministry portfolio, to promote cooperative banking to support small entrepreneurs and farmers in the region.
During the meeting, Capt. Brijesh Chowta presented a symbolic gift—a painting of the traditional sport, Kambala—to the Union Minister.