Mukesh Chandrakar, a freelance journalist in Chhattisgarh who had highlighted alleged irregularities in road construction, was found dead in a septic tank on a local contractor’s property in Bijapur city on Friday.
Three persons have been detained in connection with the murder of the 33-year-old journalist.
“The young journalist’s death is a matter of grave concern as it raises suspicion of foul play. The Editors Guild calls on the government of Chhattisgarh to spare no effort in investigating the case swiftly and bringing the guilty to book,” the Guild said in a statement.
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The Press Association, a leading body of journalists, said the tragic incident highlighted the urgent need for stronger safeguards to ensure journalists can perform their vital role without fear of retribution.
In a separate statement, the Press Club of India and the Indian Women Press Corps condemned the killing of the journalist and called for time-bound action against the perpetrators.
They also requested that the Press Council of India take cognizance of the matter and ask the state government to take appropriate action.