Created and directed by Shefali Bhushan, and co-directed by Jayant Digambar Samalkar, the legal drama follows the journey of two young and ambitious lawyers While one is the epitome of virtue, the other is associated with a leading law firm, dealing with all shades of grey. The series also stars Namrata Sheth, Sugandha Garg, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Satish Kaushik, Benjamin Gilani, Virendra Sharma, Diksha Juneja, Pranay Pachauri, Deepak Kalra and Chitrangada Satrupa in pivotal roles and features guest appearances from actors such as Karishma Tanna, Shakti Kapoor and Suchitra Krishnamoorthi.
The drama is produced by Karan Grover, Antara Banerjee and Naved Farooqui.