Train No. 16585/86 currently departs Bengaluru at 7:45 PM and reaches Murudeshwar at 12:50 PM the next day. For the return journey, it leaves Murudeshwar at 2:10 PM and arrives in Bengaluru by 7:15 AM the following morning. The current stopover time of 1 hour and 20 minutes at Murudeshwar is deemed insufficient for water refills, cleanliness, and refueling.
The proposed schedule would have seen the train departing Bengaluru at 7:45 PM and arriving at Padil by 12:10 AM, eventually reaching Murudeshwar by 5:15 AM. For the return leg, the train was scheduled to leave Murudeshwar at 10:30 AM and arrive in Bengaluru at 7:15 AM the next day.
However, railway activists opposed the changes, citing inadequate infrastructure for maintenance and cleanliness at Murudeshwar station. They argued against approving the proposal without addressing these fundamental issues, expressing their discontent with the railway board’s approach.