The three are students of a private college in JP Nagar. On Friday when the attacker, who took admission in the college two months after the session had begun, borrowed his classmate’s note book to cover up with the classwork. This classmate had gone to Kerala at the time. The attacker, who is from Bihar, submitted the Kerala classmate’s note book as his own by changing the name and including the classwork done amid his absence. When the Kerala classmate returned, he became aware of the trick the Bihar kid had pulled and confronted him.
There were some heated argument between the two and other students intervened and separated the two. The students convinced the Kerala kid to take a photocopy of the classwork and write it again. When the students were going to the photocopying shop near EK Retail Shop on RBI Layout main road, the attacker confronted the Kerala kid again and began creating a scene.
He tore the note book and tossed the bits of paper on the Kerala kid’s face. As the two lunged at each other, another classmate, who is from Nellore, intervened to separate the two. The kid from Bihar at that point took out a knife, slashed the kid’s face and after that cautioned them that he would bring goons from Bihar and get every one of them killed.
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A case was enlisted with the Konanakunte police on Saturday. A case of causing hurt (under IPC section 323), causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons (section 326), intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace (section 504) and criminal intimidation (section 506) has been registered.