Yogi Mattu Bhogi is a free adaptation by Mahesh Dattani, translated to Kannada by Vishwajith Madhavamurthy. This timeless farce, one of the oldest surviving plays in Sanskrit literature, masterfully blends humor and philosophy. Set against the backdrop of the transmigration of souls, the story follows the titular characters Yogi and Bhogi as their existential mix-up leads to comedic chaos and thought-provoking moments for everyone involved.
The production features an extraordinary creative team and cast, with choreography by Guruji Sanjeev Suvarna, a celebrated Yakshagana exponent, and original music composed by Poornima Bhojaraj. This collaborative endeavor promises a unique theatrical experience that blends traditional Yakshagana aesthetics with modern storytelling techniques.
Punaha Theatre, co-founded by Abhinav Grover and Venumadhav Bhat, is based in Udupi and is dedicated to exploring the art of storytelling through transformative performances. Yogi Mattu Bhogi is a testament to their vision of producing thought-provoking and engaging theatre. Yogi Mattu Bhogi being their fourth production overall, Punaha theatre engages in their ongoing productions- Girish Karnad’s Agni MAttu Male and its Hindi version Agni Aur Barkha, and Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker, staged in various cities of Udupi, MAnipal, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, etc.
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