A bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan said there was no reason to entertain Rajegowda’s plea as he could raise grievances before the Karnataka High Court, when the evidence in the election petition was produced.
Senior advocate Shyam Divan, appearing for Rajegowda, said BJP’s D N Jeevaraja had levelled some “vague allegations” in the election petition filed in the high court such as the use of black money without any evidence.
“Initially, we were also concerned about the vague allegations but the law provides for evidence to be produced during the proceedings,” the bench said.
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In a similar plea moved by Rajegowda in 2024, the top court allowed him to raise objections to the averment made before the high court at an appropriate stage.
The bench told Divan its earlier order on September 27, 2024, took care of Rajegowda’s concern and court would be contradicting its own order if it now entertained his plea and passed directions.