The deceased, Tejaswini, a resident of K.G. Nagar, was the daughter of Sudhakar, a private company driver, and Dhanalakshmi. She was a student of a private school in V.V. Puram, pursuing her SSLC. On Saturday afternoon around 2 PM, Tejaswini was returning home after school, walking near the National College Metro Station on NHS Road.
Nearby, scaffolding work was underway at a six-storey building. Workers were fixing survey poles for centering. Unfortunately, due to negligence, two survey poles accidentally fell and struck Tejaswini on her head, killing her instantly.
Local residents rushed her to a nearby hospital, where doctors confirmed her death due to severe blood loss, as per the police. Authorities identified Tejaswini using the identity card in her school bag and informed her parents about the tragedy.
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