Vikram Gowda was killed in an encounter near Hebri forest on November 19, 2024. Investigative agencies had attempted to persuade him to surrender through local mediators a month and a half earlier. An audio, purported negotiations with him, has been obtained by Udayavani from reliable sources.
In the audio Vikarm’s voice is heard saying, “I will not betray the people who trust our struggle by surrendering.”
Content of the Audio
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He also heard criticizing CPI leaders, saying, “CPI opted for negotiation, formed a party, and claimed they could change the system through elections. Is that even possible? This system is a cesspool; it cannot be changed through elections. Real change demands immense struggle.”
Comparing the struggle to a mother’s pain during childbirth, Gowda remarked, “We must endure great hardship to bring about change. We have already lost several comrades. Gaining one thing means losing another.”
As per the audio, Gowda further stated that their fight was funded by the organization and added, “In areas where our struggle is strong, such as West Bengal, we have distributed land to thousands of people.”