The incident took place at around 6.30 am on Monday at Kanderai village in Bhuj taluka of the district. The teenager was stuck at a depth of 490 feet in the 540-foot-deep borewell, they said.
The borewell had a diameter of one foot, and the fact that she was grown up and stuck deep into it made the rescue efforts difficult, the officials said.
“The victim was stuck at 490 feet. After multiple attempts of rescuing, the victim has been evacuated/retrieved from the borewell. The victim is unconscious and shifted to ambulance for further treatment,” the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) said in an update.
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Teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and Border Security Force (BSF) were engaged in the rescue operation along with the fire department personnel of Bhuj municipality, local emergency response team, police and officials of the local administration.
The teenager belonged to a family of migrant labourers from Rajasthan.
Authorities were initially doubtful about the family’s version that a girl of her age fell into a borewell. Her presence was confirmed by Monday afternoon with the help of a camera.