Dr. Arun K., the Superintendent of Police (SP) who completed one year in office, has been focusing on the discipline of the police force. During his tenure, several officers involved in dereliction of duty were suspended or transferred for various reasons.
Suspension of Four SIs
Of the four Sub-Inspectors from various police stations in the district, some have already completed their suspension orders. These officers have since been assigned to different stations. The reasons for their suspension include involvement with illegal sand miners, accepting bribes, and getting caught in legal traps while trying to help on humanitarian grounds.
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When corruption or other allegations are brought against the police, the public can report it to the SP. For accusations against SIs, the SP directs the Circle Inspector to investigate and submit a report. If the allegations involve constables, the SIs investigate, and if an SI or Inspector is implicated, the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) prepares a report.
Half Salary During Suspension
Suspension orders can range from a minimum of one month to an indefinite period. During the suspension, personnel receive only half their salary. If the suspended officers have evidence proving their innocence, they can report it to the Inspector General of Police (IGP).
District’s Reputation at Stake
Complaints have been raised about unethical activities such as illegal gambling, prostitution, and sand mining continuing unabated despite police awareness. If the police cooperate with criminals, it tarnishes the district’s reputation. To root out such issues, suspensions have been enforced. Some officers, suspended for minor infractions, have expressed regret and were reinstated after a thorough review of their cases.