Speaking to the media, Sunil Kumar said, “Under the pretense of promoting rational thinking, Pinarayi Vijayan has disrespected Hindu beliefs. His speech at the Sivagiri congregation reflects his deep-seated hatred for Sanatana Dharma. I strongly condemn his statement, which has hurt the sentiments of Hindus across the country.”
Kumar further alleged that Vijayan’s remarks echoed the controversial statement by Udhayanidhi Stalin about eradicating Sanatana Dharma. He accused the Kerala government, under Vijayan’s leadership, of “consistently targeting Hindus” through acts of oppression, violence, and humiliation. “Now, the fascist Kerala government has stooped to insulting Hindu religious leaders and defaming the values of Sanatana Dharma. This is part of a larger anti-Hindu agenda,” Kumar said.
He urged the people of Kerala to reject such divisive propaganda by communists. “Hindus across the nation must rise and challenge the CM’s disgraceful comments against social reformers. It is unacceptable for a Chief Minister to stoop to such levels in public discourse,” he added.
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Recalling past incidents, Kumar accused Vijayan of previously attempting to challenge Hindu beliefs during the Sabarimala controversy. He alleged that the Kerala CM had now committed a “heinous act” by disrespecting Shri Narayana Guru on the sacred land of Sivagiri. Kumar described this as a “betrayal of the entire Hindu community.”