The suspended officers were stationed at Ghatampur Kotwali police station. A preliminary probe identified that sub-inspectors Jaiveer Singh, Sankit Taugad, Ashish Chowdhry and Shivsharan Sharma, along with head constable Pratham Singh and constables Jitendra, Kuber, and Pankaj Singh, were culpable.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Ravindra Kumar said that the investigation was prompted by a complaint from Ramadevi, the wife of Om Prakash Yadav, who alleged that the Ghatampur police had filed a false FIR in a land dispute case and accepted a bribe from one Ram Lakhan Tiwari. Additional DCP Ankita Sharma’s probe corroborated these allegations, leading to the suspension of the officers. A departmental inquiry is also underway.