Addressing the media on Tuesday, Superintendent of Police Sonawane Rishikesh Bhagawan provided details of the incident. The incident occurred on August 8 around 5:30 PM when Ravi Melinakere, a young lawyer from the city, was struck by an Innova car and dragged for about 2.5 kilometers, resulting in his death.
Initially registered as an accident, police investigations soon revealed clues pointing to a deliberate murder. Based on these findings, the police arrested five suspects: Tulasiram Harijan, Alex Gollar, Shanmukh Naduvinakere, Prakash Gollar, and Murugesh Ullagaddi. All the arrested individuals are daily wage laborers with criminal backgrounds, and have previously faced charges such as murder, attempted murder, robbery, and intimidation across various police stations in the district.
The investigation revealed that the arrested individuals, along with others, had plotted the murder of Ravi Melinakere, who was returning home from court. They deliberately collided with him using an unregistered Innova car and dragged him along the road, leading to his immediate death.
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The investigation also uncovered that the unregistered Innova used in the murder had been forcefully taken from a person named Sachin during a gambling session, in which the accused won ₹1 lakh. Further investigations revealed that two individuals were monitoring Ravi’s movements from the court to his home and providing updates to the perpetrators.
The police believe that more individuals were involved in this conspiracy, and efforts are underway to locate those who are still at large. The investigative team, led by DSP Basavaraj, Golgumbaz CPI Mahantesh Mathpati, and Gandhi Chowk CPI Pradeep Talakeri, has been commended for their swift action in solving the case. The team will be rewarded during the Independence Day parade for their commendable work.