
World Day Against Child Labour 2024: Childhood shouldn’t be a job!

08:40 PM Jun 12, 2024 | Team Udayavani |

World Day Against Child Labour is observed annually on June 12. In 2024, it falls on a Wednesday. This day aims to raise awareness about the issues surrounding child labour and encourage people, governments, and organizations to work together to eliminate it.


The theme for World Day Against Child Labour 2024 is “Let’s Act on Our Commitments: End Child Labour.” This day focuses on creating awareness about the harmful effects of child labour and encouraging collective efforts to ensure all children have a safe and healthy childhood.

Understanding Child Labour

Child labour refers to any work that is harmful and inappropriate for children due to their age or abilities. Despite laws against it, many children worldwide are forced to work due to poverty and social inequality. This negatively impacts their health, education, and overall well-being.

Importance of Addressing Child Labour


Children involved in labour miss out on essential education and playtime, which are crucial for their development. Child labour can have serious physical, mental, and emotional consequences. It is important to be aware of this issue and take action to ensure that all children can enjoy a proper childhood.

History of Child Labour Laws

The Indian Constitution prohibits children under 14 from working in mines or any hazardous occupations. The International Labour Organization (ILO) also states that children under 18 should not be involved in hazardous work. In 1987, the Indian government introduced a National Policy on Child Labour to help rehabilitate children who had been working in dangerous conditions.

How You Can Help? 

  • Raise Awareness: Discuss child labour and its impacts with friends and family.
  • Support Education: Contribute to organizations that provide education to children in need.
  • Choose Fair Trade Products: Purchase products that are certified to be made without child labour.
  • Report Child Labour: Inform authorities if you witness child labour.

By working together, we can help end child labour and give every child the opportunity for a bright and happy future.


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