The incident occurred on January 4 evening when the boat named “Tavakal”, owned by Sanjata was en route for repairs from Malpe harbor to Gangolli for repairs by fishermen Ravi Salian and Harish.
Around 7:30 p.m., while the boat was approximately two nautical miles off Gangolli, it collided with a large wooden log. The collision damaged the lower front portion of the boat, allowing water to enter. Observing the increasing water inflow and the risk of the boat sinking, Ravi Salian contacted Pundalika Harate, a repair specialist in Gangolli, for assistance.
Harate dispatched a rescue boat named Jalarani, which reached the site promptly. Ravi Salian and Harish were rescued safely, and the Tawakkal fishing boat was secured and towed to the repair site with the help of the Jalarani.
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