Health Minister K K Shailaja said three of the new cases are from Kannur district and one from Kozhikode.
Three out of the four came to the state from Dubai and one was infected with the coronavirus througha contact, she said.
Two people who were cured today are from Kasaragod district.
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At least 67,190 are under observation in the state while 504 are in isolation wards at various hospitals.
The state has till now sent 18,774 samples for testing.
Palakkad has the highest number of people under observation–10,417, the release said.
As per a medical bulletin, Kannur, with 50 COVID-19 cases, took the lead in the state from Kasaragod, which has 49 cases.
Kasaragod was leading with the most number of cases in Kerala.
An 85-year-old COVID-19 patient, who was declared cured and was under treatment for kidney and heart related ailments, died early this morning at a government hospital in Malappuram this morning.
Shailaja said the patient had been suffering from old age problems besides heart and kidney ailments.
All three results of his samples had returned negative, the minister told reporters here.