Many risk factors for atherosclerosis can be modified by following a healthy diet, getting enough physical activity, avoiding tobacco products and other strategies. “Research summarised in the advisory convincingly demonstrates that the same risk factors that cause atherosclerosis, are also major contributors to late-life cognitive impairment and Alzheimers disease,” said Philip Gorelick, from Mercy Health Hauenstein Neuroscience Center in the US.
“By following seven simple steps – Lifes Simple 7 – not only can we prevent heart attack and stroke, we may also be able to prevent cognitive impairment,” said Gorelick. Lifes Simple 7 outlines a set of health factors developed by the American Heart Association to define and promote cardiovascular wellness.
The Lifes Simple 7 programme urges individuals to manage blood pressure, control cholesterol, keep blood sugar normal get physically active, eat a healthy diet, lose extra weight and not smoke. A healthy brain is defined as one that can pay attention, receive and recognise information from our senses; learn and remember; communicate; solve problems and make decisions; support mobility and regulate emotions. Cognitive impairment can affect any or all of those functions.
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