The new multi-sports complex will be constructed soon at the cost pf Rs 25 crore near the old police residence at Urwa in the city. Rs 5 crore has been released for the project under the Smart City initiative and a demand has been sent for an additional Rs 5 crore. Talks are being held to procure the remaining Rs 15 crore required for the project from the CSR funds of reputed companies. If everything goes as planned, the work on the multi-sports complex shall begin within a few months.
The building will be a two storey building built in an area of 1.23 acres and will have various facilities including kabaddi, shuttle-badminton, a small swimming pool, volleyball courts. The lower floor will have a wide parking area and front end of the building will have some commercial shops.
Srinivas Mallya indoor sports complex located near Mangala stadium, presently has only 4 badminton courts. But the number of interested athletes exceeds the capacity. Although an hour is provided per batch, it is not turning sufficient enough to train the athletes. Due to this very reason, most of the athletes are going towards private institutions for training. The number of people coming to learn swimming at Mangala swimming pool has also increased. The coast if facing a lack of additional training courts. In this backdrop, if the multi-sports complex is created, it will also provide more encouragement to kabaddi.
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Even more encouragement is required for sports like swimming, shuttle-badminton, football in Mangaluru. The four courts existing on behalf of the government are not enough. Most of the athletes are going to courts owned by private institutions to play. If the multi-sports complex is created at Urwa, it will provide further encouragement for athletes – Pradeep D’Souza, Deputy Director, Youth and Sports Department
Encouragement for athletes
Several athletes from the coast are proving their mettle on the national and international level. In order to provide further encouragement to their training, a multi-sports complex is being created at the cost of Rs 25 crore. The work will begin soon – MLA Vedavyas Kamath