At least 100 schools in Delhi-NCR received an identical bomb threat by e-mail on Wednesday, triggering mass evacuations and massive searches as panick-stricken parents rushed to pick up their children.
The threat was declared a hoax as “nothing objectionable” was found during searches, police said.
“In view of the current situation wherein bomb threats were received by a few schools of Delhi in early hours of morning of 01.05.2024, it is advised that School Administrators/Managers/Heads of Government/Government Aided and Unaided Recognised Schools under the Directorate of Education, GNCT Delhi should ensure that emails/messages received on official email id of the school at any time of the day (before, during or after school hours) are checked timely”, read the advisory issued by the Directorate of Education.
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“The school authorities should inform parents and concerned law enforcement authorities to initiate appropriate measures regarding safety and security of the students in the event of any impending threats or challenges, well in time”, the advisory read.