“The BJP had requested Kumaraswamy to come to Mumbai before the election and promised to give big money for JDS electoral expenses. I was aware of this.
Knowing fully well about my stand, Kumaraswamy took a hard decision. He rejected the offer by saying he would not go against the wishes of his father to join hands with the BJP,” Gowda told PTI here.
The JDS supremo’s statement comes in the wake of a statewide pre-dawn IT crackdown on his partymen and others.
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The former prime minister alleged that the BJP was taking revenge against JDS leaders because they failed to form the government with the help of Kumaraswamy.
“The IT officials have been targeting D K Shivakumar. Now, they have targeted two parliamentary constituencies. PWD office is being searched. They have stooped too such a low level,” he said.
Gowda also alleged that BJP president Amit Shah wanted to meet him two years back, but refused.
“He (Amit Shah) had sought an appointment to meet me at my residence two years back. I said nothing doing,” he said.