Rasheed from Katapadi reportedly disposed of garbage near Gram Panchayat member Jacintha’s residence on Sunday and Monday morning. The trash contained a bill from a clothing store in Udupi, which Jacintha handed over to the Panchayat Development Officer (PDO). Investigations at the store revealed Rasheed’s contact details, leading to him being summoned by Jacintha.
Upon confrontation, Rasheed admitted to the act and was instructed to clean up the waste he had dumped. As a consequence, the Gram Panchayat imposed a fine of ₹2,000 on him for the violation.
The Shirva Gram Panchayat has been actively identifying those who illegally dump waste on roadsides, imposing fines of ₹5,000, and ensuring they personally handle the cleanup. Despite continuous awareness campaigns under the Swachh Bharat Mission and the availability of waste collection vehicles, irresponsible dumping persists.
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